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    你的位置:电竞比赛主持词 > 新手入门 > sofm直播企鹅电竞(SOFM在企鹅电竞直播的背后故事)


    发布日期:2023-10-23 01:40    点击次数:167



    SOFM is a well-known League of Legends (LoL) player from Vietnam, who has been playing professionally since 2014. In 2020, he started streaming on the live-streaming platform, QIYU, one of the largest live-streaming platforms in China, which also has a dedicated esports category. This move was a significant step in SOFM's career, and it was not without its challenges. In this article, we will explore the behind-the-scenes story of SOFM's partnership with QIYU and how he became a successful content creator and streamer.

    How SOFM got started on QIYU

    In late 2019, SOFM was approached by QIYU's representatives, who were interested in adding him to their roster of streamers. At the time,电竞直播软件 SOFM had already built a considerable fanbase in Vietnam, and he was looking to expand his reach to other regions in Asia. He was excited about the opportunity and decided to give it a try.

    Challenges and struggles

    Despite his popularity as a professional player, SOFM faced many challenges when he first started streaming on QIYU. One of the biggest challenges was the language barrier. SOFM does not speak Chinese, which made it difficult for him to communicate with his audience. In addition, he had to learn how to use the platform and adapt to the Chinese culture, which was different from what he was used to in Vietnam.

    Building his brand and fanbase

    Despite the challenges, SOFM was determined to succeed on QIYU. He knew that building his brand and connecting with his audience was essential to his success as a content creator and streamer. He started by streaming regularly and engaging with his audience through chat and social media. He also collaborated with other popular streamers and participated in QIYU's esports events and tournaments. Over time, he was able to build a loyal fanbase of Chinese fans who appreciated his skills and personality.

    Benefits of streaming on QIYU

    Streaming on QIYU has given SOFM many benefits, both personally and professionally. Firstly, it has allowed him to reach a larger audience and grow his fanbase beyond Vietnam. Secondly, it has provided him with a new source of income through sponsorships, donations, and ad revenue. Lastly, it has given him exposure to a new community of gamers and esports enthusiasts, which has helped him stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the industry.


    In conclusion, SOFM's partnership with QIYU has been a significant step in his career as a professional player and content creator. Despite the challenges, he was able to overcome them and build a successful brand and fanbase on the platform. The benefits of streaming on QIYU have been immense, and SOFM is now one of the most popular LoL streamers in China. His journey is a testament to the power of dedication and hard work in achieving success as a content creator and streamer.