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    发布日期:2024-05-16 16:20    点击次数:109



    Overwatch is a game that boasts a large roster of unique and diverse heroes, each with their own abilities and playstyles. From basic attacks to ultimate abilities, every hero has something special to offer on the battlefield. In this article, we will take a closer look at the various abilities in Overwatch.

    Basic Abilities

    Every hero in Overwatch has a set of basic abilities that are unique to them. These abilities can range from simple attacks and movements to more complex skills that can stun or debuff enemies. For example, Tracer, one of the most popular heroes in Overwatch, has the ability to blink, allowing her to quickly teleport to a new location. Other heroes may have the ability to heal themselves or their allies, lay traps, or create shields.

    Ultimate Abilities

    Ultimate abilities are the most powerful moves in a hero's toolkit, and can often turn the tide of a battle. Each hero has a unique ultimate ability, which can be charged over time by dealing damage, healing allies, or performing other tasks. Once charged, the player can unleash the ultimate ability, dealing massive damage, providing powerful buffs to their allies, or disabling enemies. Ultimate abilities are often used to secure objectives, clear out an opposing team, or turn the tide of a losing battle.

    Passive Abilities

    In addition to their basic and ultimate abilities, some heroes in Overwatch also have passive abilities that are always active. These abilities can provide benefits like increased movement speed, higher damage resistance, or increased healing. While they may not be as flashy as other abilities, passive abilities can still play a critical role in a hero's overall effectiveness, especially in certain game modes or situations.

    Environmental Interactions

    One unique aspect of Overwatch is the ability for heroes to interact with the environment. For example, some heroes can climb walls or jump to higher ledges, allowing them to access new routes or surprise enemies. Other heroes can break or move objects in the environment, creating new paths or obstacles for their opponents. These environmental interactions can add a new level of depth to gameplay, allowing players to use their surroundings to gain an advantage or outmaneuver their opponents.


    Overall, the abilities in Overwatch play a critical role in defining each hero's playstyle and effectiveness on the battlefield. With a wide range of basic, ultimate, and passive abilities, as well as environmental interactions, players have a lot of tools at their disposal to outsmart and outplay their opponents. Whether you prefer to teleport around the battlefield, lay traps for unsuspecting foes, or rain down fiery vengeance on your enemies, there is a hero and ability set for every playstyle in Overwatch.